Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I did it.

I went to Paris yesterday. Like PARIS Paris. It was awesome and beautiful and it rained and I was with all my friends and ashjshkjfhksjdhkjhazd. I went to a Doc Marten's and a café. We walked around and talked and had fun. Gosh I like it here.

It was actually surprisingly confusing to get around. The streets don't seem to have a lot of order or reason on the ground. I know that Paris was actually very carefully planned out and is actually really impressive city-wise, but still.

The café was expensive as hell. Six euros for a mug of hot chocolate. Like why. It was good, though.

I'm on school vacation for two weeks. I'm staying at Margaux's place right now, but I spent last weekend at Vincent's.

He has so many guitars I may actually cry. So beautiful. Margaux has some too. And a bass. Prepare a eulogy, friends.

I've actually been playing a lot of music lately. Like a LOT. With other people. And we sound pretty good. I guess I'm better singer than I previously thought. Then again, I thought I was a terrible singer. Huh.

After yesterday, I feel a need to see the rest of France. More of Paris. Normandy and Brittany. The south of France and the Alps. All of it. And maybe other parts of Europe, too. There's so much more to see than I previously thought. I can't wait to discover more.

Also, I'm living in a guest house. I've gone from sharing a room to my own room to my own house. It's nice, too. Really nice. Everything's nice. Every thing has been nice. I'm so happy to be here.

I feel like living here is so much more different than visiting. I get a more intimate experience of the country. It's sucked me in and made me remake my image of the world. My image of home is starting to blur and shift.

It's the strangest feeling I've ever had.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sorry for the inactivity

I'm in the middle of some big changes, but I'll be back in action very soon. Promise. In the meantime, please enjoy this photo of a baby Red-Capped Mangabey.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Joyeux Anniversaire Raphael!

Mardi dernière était l'anniversaire de Raphael. Nous avons fait une petite fête, juste la famille. Je pense que c'est mieux q'une grande fête avec beaucoup d'amis. Elle était bien, sauf q'un petit accident avec la champagne. Les verres la sont du Rum and Coke, mon nouveau boite préféré.

J'ai passé un peu de temps avec ma nouvelle copine, Marianne. Le temps passe vite ici. Déjà un mois. Le français est difficile, mais ça va mieux. Je parle beaucoup et maintenant j’écris en français. Ma famille me manque.

Aussi, je lit des livres en français. J'ai déjà lu Lovecraft, Poe, Bierce, et Doyle. C'est génial. Je dois acheter plus de Lovecraft. Peut-être Bierce aussi.

Oh! My half-hour is up! More to come later!